
Publications and Presentations

Publications (italics indicates student author)

Allen, D. S., A. S. Kolok, D. D. Snow, B. Satybaldiyev, B. Uralbekov, G. S. Nystrom, L. MThornton Hampton, S. L. Bartelt-Hunt and M. K. Sellin Jeffries. 2023. Predicted aquatic and human health risks associated with the presence of metals in the Syr Darya and Shardara Reservoir, Kazakhstan. Science of The Total Environment 859: 159827.

Kalmakhanova, M. S., J. L. Diaz de Tuesta, A. Malakar, H. T. Gomes and D. D. Snow (2023). Wastewater Treatment in Central Asia: Treatment Alternatives for Safe Water Reuse. Sustainability 15(20): 14949.

Uralbekov, B. B. B., Satybaldiev, D. D. Snow. 2021. Distribution of dissolved and suspended forms of heavy metals in the water of the Syrdarya River (South Kazakhstan) Chem Bull Kaz Nat Univ 4:22-27 ISSN 1563-0331.

Snow, D.D., Chakraborty, P., Uralbekov, B., Satybaldiev, B., Sallach, J.B., Thornton Hampton, L.M., Jeffries, M., Kolok, A.S. and Bartelt-Hunt, S.B.  2020.  Legacy and current pesticide residues in Syr Darya, Kazakhstan: Contamination status, seasonal variation and preliminary ecological risk assessment. Water Research 184, 116141.

Ibragimova, N.A. M.B. Lyu, D. Snow, and A.N. Sabitov. 2019. On the Question of the Necessity of Normalizing Bio-Transformed Substances Medicinal Preparations in Objects of the Environment. Reports of the National Academy of Sciences Kazakhstan. Volume 1, Number 323 (2019), 5 – 10.

Satybaldiyev, B., B. Ismailov, N. Nurpeisov, K. Kenges, D.D. Snow, A. Malakar, and B. Uralbekov, 2023. Evaluation of dissolved and acid-leachable trace element concentrations in relation to practical water quality standards in the Syr Darya, Aral Sea Basin, South Kazakhstan. Chemosphere, 313: p. 137465.

Severinenko, M.A., V.P. Solodukhin, B.M. Djenbaev, S.G. Lennik, B.T. Zholboldiev, and D.D. Snow, 2023. Occurrence of Radionuclides and Hazardous Elements in the Transboundary River Basin Kyrgyzstan & Kazakhstan. Water, 15(9) p. 1759.

Tleuova, Z, D. D. Snow, M. Mukhamedzhanov, and A. Ermenbay. 2023. Relation of Hydrogeology and Contaminant Sources to Drinking Water Quality in Southern Kazakhstan. Water 15, no. 24: 4240.

Tulebekov, Y., Z. Orazov, B. Satybaldiyev, D. D. Snow, R. Schneider, and B. Uralbekov. 2023. Reaction Steps in Heterogeneous Photocatalytic Oxidation of Toluene in Gas Phase—A Review. Molecules 28, no. 18: 6451.

Uralbekov, B.; M. Burkitbayev, B. Satybaldiyev, I. Matveyeva, T. Tuzova and D. Snow. 2014. Spatial and seasonal variability of 234U/238U activity ratios in the Shu River, Kazakhstan. Environmental Earth Sciences,


Nystrom GS, Jeffries MK, Bartelt-Hunt SL, Kolok AS, Uralbekov B, Mamylov N, Snow DD.(2016) An ecological collapse: biological effects of chemical contamination in Kazakhstan’s Syr Darya watershed. Central Ecology and Evolution Conference, April 22, 2016 Norman, OK. 

Nystrom GS, Snow DD, Kolok AS, Bartelt-Hunt SL, Uralbekov B, Mamilov N, Jeffries MK.(2016). An ecotoxicological reconnaissance in Central Asia: Assessment of biomarker responses in wild-caught roach (Rutilus rutilus). Society of Toxicology and Environmental Chemistry 7th World Congress/37th North America Annual Meeting. November 6-10, 2016, Orlando, FL.

Snow DD, Kolok AS, Bartelt-Hunt SL, Uralbekov B, Mamilov N, Jeffries MK.(2016). An ecotoxicological voyage into Central Asia. Society of Toxicology and Environmental Chemistry 7th World Congress/37th North America Annual Meeting. November 6-10, 2016, Orlando, FL.

Nystrom, G.S.; D.D. Snow, B. Uralbekov, A.S. Kolok, S.L. Bartelt-Hunt, N. Mamilov and M.K. Jeffries (2016) Biological implications of chemical contamination in the Syr Darya Watershed (Kazakhstan).South Central Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Regional Meeting. April 22-24, 2016. Dallas, TX. 

Nystrom GS, Jeffries MK, Bartelt-Hunt SL, Kolok AS, Uralbekov B, Mamylov N, Snow DD.(2016) Biomonitoring of the Syr Darya River (Kazakhstan): Chemical contamination and biological effects.Texas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Meeting. Kerrville, TX

Bartelt-Hunt SL, Snow DD, Uralbekov B, Kolok AS, Jeffries MK, Mamilov N, Hoehn E, Sallach JB.(2016) Documenting water quality in the Syr Darya River Basin – the utility of passive sampling.. Society of Toxicology and Environmental Chemistry 7th World Congress/37th North America Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL.

Uralbekov, B.; D. Snow; B.Satybaldiev; N.Nurpeisov; M.K. Jeffries; and G. Nystrom (2016) Heavy Metals in the Water of Syr Darya River, Kazakhstan. 18th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment.12 to 15 September 2016, Ghent, Belgium